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Active Audience Subsection 1- Content Creators

According to Sprout Social, Brands and Media Platforms are doing all they can to have content creators that are highly liked by the public. The key reason is because an active audience is needed to keep users actively interested in wanting to return to the application, and the best way to keep an active audience is by incentivizing  users with money to create interesting content. This is where the term 'content creator' comes from, and they are crucial for opening the door to important discussions on social media. An example of this can viewed by Kerry Smith, a Content Strategist for Twitter's content creator network. She states that 

"Creators are well positioned to lend a human voice, personality, perspective and expertise to a brand. They can facilitate conversations that otherwise would not have happened.”

Kim, K. (2021, June 29). Social media is all-in on the content creator economy. What does that mean for brands? Sprout Social. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from
