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Facebook Engagement-Based Ranking

I just remembered the recent Facebook Whistleblower who spoke to Congress under oath about Facebook's handling of its algorithm. There is plenty of material from this hearing that is relevant to my topic so below are three passages I will most likely fit into my analysis. 
    According to the Washington post:

“engagement-based ranking,” a term that refers to the practice of social media platforms like Facebook using algorithms that prioritize content in users’ feeds that generate strong reactions, and more clicks, from users."

"Haugen said engagement-based ranking is causing teens to be exposed to more anorexia content, fueling rifts within families and fueling ethnic violence in Ethiopia."

"Eliminating engagement-based ranking would be difficult as it forms the bedrock of most social media platforms"

Zakrzewski, C., Lima, C., Dwoskin, E., & Oremus, W. (2021, October 5). Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen tells lawmakers that meaningful reform is necessary ‘for our common good.’ Washington Post. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
