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Media Dependency - Generalizes explanations and examples


According to this theory, there is an internal link between media, audience and large social system. The audience learning from the real life is limited, so they can use media to get more information to fulfil their needs. An extensive use of media generates dependent relation in audience. Also Media can able to create dependence relationship with target audiences to achieve their goals by using its media power.

The degree of dependence is directly proportional to:

  • Individual: The media have ability to satisfy the audience needs. An individual will become more dependent on media, if the medium satisfy his/her needs. Otherwise the media dependence will become less
  • Social Stability: The audience reconsider their beliefs, practice and behaviours when strong social change, conflicts, riot or election which will force to re-evaluate and make new decisions. During this period media dependency is dramatically increased, because there is a strong need for information, support and advice
  • Active audience: In this communication process, the active audience chooses the media dependence on their individual needs and other factors such as economic conditions, society and culture. If alternative source fulfil the audience needs, then it will reciprocally decrease the media dependence
What I believe I can take from this excerpt is how "The audience learning from the real life is limited, so they can use media to get more information to fulfil their needs." with this, I will most likely refer to Individual and Stability for proper definitions when referencing what affects media dependenceWhat I also found is that an active audience isn't really a part of the theory's definition, but I will still include it into a segment. 

Media Dependency Theory. (n.d.). Communication Theory. Retrieved July 1, 2022, from
