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Fear Appeal Covid Location Information

"Using fear appeal theories to understand the effects of location information of patients on citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic"

Here I found a great study on how fear appeal was studied in relation to the geolocation of an individual. I found a lot of good information I'll attach


"Fear appeal theories include two predominant theoretical frameworks: protection motivation theory (PMT) and the extended parallel process model"

Fear Appeal: "According to fear appeal theories, a fear appeal is defined as a message that presents threat information to cause fear, focusing on the severity and probability of occurrence of a threat to promote safer behavior "

"Health messages about threats such as fear appeals are widely used in health communication (Ruiter et al., 2014), and varied threat information will cause different levels of negative emotions such as fear and anxiety"

-"In periods of pandemics, such as SARS, citizens pay more attention to media information and believe that the government should broadcast pandemic-related information every day (Qian et al., 2003). Basch et al. (2020b) stated that anxiety or panic acts as a catalyst for information seeking. On the one hand, for self-protection purposes, panicked citizens are more eager to seek more information about pandemics because the media offers people a good understanding of a pandemic’s prevalence and nature (Zhu et al., 2008)."

Wu, G., Deng, X. & Liu, B. Using fear appeal theories to understand the effects of location information of patients on citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. Curr Psychol (2021).
