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Section 230 - Social Media Immunity

In my previous post, I found information into how Facebook was using Engagement Based-Ranking as a way to show individuals content that would cause an immediate reaction, even if it's toxic to the person's personality such as anorexia. The article stated that Facebook was protected by Section 230, which states that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider." In short, this means that social media platforms are immune to being sued for things that other people/businesses post onto it. What this legislation doesn't take into account however are algorithms, and Facebook is exploiting that loophole. 

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why people are turning to social media for news and getting rid of newspapers, because Newspaper publishers are still held liable for the content it produces. 

Pietsch, B., Asher Hamilton, I., & Canales, K. (2021, October 6). The Facebook whistleblower told Congress it should amend Section 230, the internet law hated by both Biden and Trump. Here’s how the law works. Business Insider. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
