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Assignment B Prototype Proposal

Claim: Women above the age of 30 have increased mental stress when watching cable news due to it’s fear-inducing segments. 


Independent Variable: The News channels and Which days we chose to record the news for the experiment.

Dependent Variable
What news stories does the channel decide to show. 
How the women will react to the shown stories. 

Controlled Variable: I decided to use the same sequence the news stories were reported to show to the women. This is so that the experiment is performed the in the least biased way possible. 



-I decided to utilize construct 3 and code an app that would basically be a questionnaire. It would portray a series of news segments from one of the news channels that was shown that same day. 

-After the user enters their name and age they will be sent to a page which shows a video. After choosing the multiple-choice, they will be shown 10 more different videos from the same channel. 

-10 women will answer the multiple choice for each of the three news stations; totaling 30 women. 

-Once all the questionnaires are completed, all 990 answers will be calculated into an excel sheet to represent the average emotions everyone felt watching the news. 


) Each Person's answer's will then be sent to a datasheet, Which will show the average of each channel's emotional responses, along with the average of all three. 

Make a blueprint map of what each page of the app looks like and 

Build in Construct 3

Data Sheet
